"South Hao Chen you let me go! What do you know? I still have a lot of things to do … You let me go! " Liu Qing is still struggling with Nanhaochen’s dark heart …

Then he closed his eyes and let go of his hand. "Well, if you insist on going back, I’ll let you go back!"
He let her go like despair and then walked in the other direction without looking back-
Boom-thunder and lightning in the sky and God seems to be crying …
Liu Qing lay down and didn’t want to go back to the palace. The rain hit her face, and it was so cold that she couldn’t tell whether it was rain or her tears …
Nan Haochen’s back has gradually shrunk into a snack as if it were torn apart.
She opened her mouth and sneaked into her mouth with salty rain and said to herself, "Dad, am I doing the right thing?"
Give up happiness for revenge!
-dividing line-
I don’t know how long it took me to get caught in the rain. Chapter 516 Hatred and Love Choice (5)
I don’t know how long it took me to get caught in the rain …
Then she slowly got up and was about to go back to the palace to have a cramp in her abdomen!
She searched, ran and looked, clutching her belly, and finally found a cave. Then she hid in it, and her stomach still hurt …
She’s coming. This month’s events have been delayed for several days …
She was going to find some pieces of cloth, but she didn’t even have the strength to get up …
She doesn’t even have a mirror to see whether her face is bloodless …
She just sat against the wall motionless as if she were dead, with her stubborn eyes wide open …
However, in the end, even the strength to support the eyelids is gone …
She felt dizzy and the earth was spinning, and then she could not help but close her eyes and fall asleep …
Nan Haochen finally didn’t worry about turning back. He braved the heavy rain and his long hair was completely wet by the rain. It was sticky and sticky!
As he walked, he looked for a gap and finally found the cave. He had already seen a series of blood, and his eyes were tight, for fear that she was exhausted and eaten by some wild animal!
When he came in and looked at her with his eyes closed, but his face was really scary, he quickly put his hand on her nose and smelled …
It is …
Her legs snaked out a big pool of blood …
This …
He touched her forehead again and it shrank back!
He quickly wrapped her in layers of clothes and then picked her up and ran quickly towards the outside …
There is a small room at the foot of the mountain, and the heavy rain keeps washing away, and then stones roll down from time to time …
It’s raining so hard and Liu Qing has a fever … Nan Hao Chen can decide to stay in this room for one night. He still has some self-defense medicine. He has just fed Liu Qing a little, but Liu Qing’s body heat has not dropped at all!
I walked to the door and kept knocking at the door. Finally, someone knocked at the door and saw a man walking out barefoot with a lantern and yawning!
"Trouble to spend the night …" Although the mouth said kind words, Nan Haochen came in and made the clean room muddy!
The man frowned but didn’t say anything about the quick door!