In the cold flame night, deep eyes looked at Lin Fenfen unblinkingly and didn’t talk.

Lin Fenfen was surprised when he saw the cold flame night and didn’t speak. He waved his hand in front of the cold flame night and said, "Why are you playing with silence?" Seeing the cold flame night, I still looked at the forest powder powder without moving, but I was embarrassed to get up and coughed a few times and said, "But there is nothing, so I went to drink water. I’m thirsty!" Say that finish and push the cold flame night
This cold flame night did respond, and slowly bent over the cold lips with a little bit of forest powder and a little bit of peach flavor. The lips did not bully or go to the powerful forces. This cold flame night changed to a different gentle and lingering kiss.
Cold flame night wet tongue Lin Fen powder lips toss and turn, then rolled her tongue without saying anything, wantonly picking sweet liquid. Two people flowed back and forth, and both of them spilled crystal silver liquid at the corners of their mouths. The temperature was as hot as the flame.
Ignite everywhere.
I felt that the breathing in the cold flame night was getting worse. When the forest powder powder was stopped, the cold flame night was pushed. He kept a certain distance and gasped and said, "What are you doing!"
Today, I will come back next Wednesday and add 5 more. On Monday, Nai Nai will have an exam.
I’m going to review my lessons, so don’t play for too long. We should review our exams well.
Everybody, come on.
Men’s self-esteem
I felt that the breathing in the cold flame night was getting worse. When the forest powder powder was stopped, the cold flame night was pushed. He kept a certain distance and gasped and said, "What are you doing!"
Cold flame night chuckle close to the forest powder powder, put your nose down and say, "aren’t you thirsty?" I just quench your thirst, right? ! Why don’t you want to be responsible if you get the sweetness now? " The cold flame night is slow, and the whole room is filled with ambiguity.
Lin Fenfen was so angry and ashamed that he stretched out his hand to push the cold flame night, but it didn’t succeed. Men always have better physical strength than women. Lin Fenfen stared at the cold flame night but lingered shamelessly.
In the end, Lin Fen powder and the cold flame night were deadlocked for a while, and Lin Fen powder suddenly thought that he had just seen the photo "sloped" and laughed in front of the cold flame night.
I don’t know what is going on in the cold flame night. I stretch out my hand to pinch the forest powder and laugh at the exaggerated face. I don’t understand. I ask, "What’s wrong? What are you laughing at?" !”
Lin Fenfen laughed when he saw him frowning, clutching his face and saying, "Photo …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………"
The expression of cold flame night has been distorted sharply. Lin Fenfen has just been with stamen and stayed in her room for so long. On cold flame night, your toes can think of what Lin Fenfen is laughing at.
Cold flame night watching Lin Fenfen exaggerated face a face of eating shit touch kind growled, "don’t laugh again! ! !” Mom, that photo is a hurdle in his life. I just don’t want others to see it, especially Lin Fenfen, his woman and his own woman. Of course, I feel bad.
Lin Fenfen watched the cold flame night and walked to the bed to ignore Lin Fenfen.
Seems to be angry? ! Lin Fenfen immediately stopped laughing, and his heart was not hurt, but Lin Fenfen was very white!
So Lin Fenfen strolled to the cold flame night like a pug and smashed it with big eyes and soft mouth "night ~ ~ ~!"
Finally finished the exam
The exam was so bad that it was so bad
So annoying, so annoying
No matter what, he is still handsome.
So Lin Fenfen strolled to the cold flame night like a pug and smashed it with big eyes and soft mouth "night ~ ~ ~!"
When I heard that the forest powder was soft and cold, my heart was half soft, but I still "groaned" with two arms lying on the bed and my face was still dark.
Lin Fenfen looked at the cold flame night discontentedly, but after all, he just seemed to have gone a little too far, so Lamian Noodles gathered around the cold flame night and pulled his clothes and said, "I’m sorry, I was wrong, but it’s so funny." Lin Fenfen said with a face of koo.
Cold flame night or expression, or this attitude? !
Lin Fenfen looked at the cold night and didn’t respond. She leaned her face against his hot chest and whispered, "I’m sorry, I won’t do it again. Please forgive me and let me do whatever I want!" Lin Fenfen saw that there was nothing he could do, so he wouldn’t turn a blind eye to himself.
Short circuit for a few seconds, and then the earth-shaking cold flame night is like this, pressing Lin Fenfen’s eyes deep, I don’t know what he thinks, and there is nothing left. Just angry, Lin Fenfen please hand and touched his face.
"It’s really funny! ?” It seems that the cold flame night is still very concerned about just now.
"Is …? ! No, no, it’s not funny. Really, "Lin Fenfen stood up with three fingers for fear of being angry at night.
"hmm? ! ~ ~ ~ ~ "cold flame night with bullying.
"What! You are the most handsome, even in that photo, you are still handsome! All right? !” Lin Fenfen is really not white. How can he be so childish?
Cold flame night satisfied hook lip said "what? ! Hmm? !” Cold flame night continue to guide him to say.
"Nothing!" Lin Fenfen discovered that their posture was very strange, just like someone else’s posture was so shameful.